
masters at work

ancora dal BikeFilmFestival: (io ho potuto vedere solo i primi due cicli di sabato pomeriggio, purtroppo).

qui di seguito alcuni link dei film visti:

Clorophilla - teaser
"downhill sulle montagne dell'appennino abruzzese"
No More Jokes, Please - promo
"bmx in varie città europee"
Pedal - book & dvd
"la dura vita del messenger in new york"

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

wait.. im totally confused.. in my daily searching of bikes.. i came across your page.. I never see the word "nereo" ..especially in italian.. thats my last name.. my full name is Steven Nereo ..ive never met a nereo i wasnt related to, or even heard of one.. heres my site about bikes

trackosaurus rex

its about track bikes.. So what does the Nereo refer to in nereo project?

my email is steven@trackosaurusrex.com ..id love to hear about it..